
SA 4605 - Practicum is an intensive studio course taken by BFA students for degree completion.

SA 4605 Practicum Application

Students interested in next year’s Practicum class are invited to submit their application materials in digital form through Slideroom between March 1 and April 15. Personal interviews will not be required. A team of three studio faculty members will assess the submissions and students will be contacted by email by the Visual Arts Undergraduate Chair with the results by the end of the term.

Student applications will be adjudicated on the basis of the robustness of the work and evidence of the applicant’s preparedness as well as their fulfillment of the course prerequisites. Shortfalls in prerequisites will be weighed in light of the strength of the balance of their application.

Though Practicum is a requirement of the BFA Honors Specialization in Studio Arts program, applications will be considered from qualified students in other Visual Arts modules.

Student’s Applications must include:

A digital copy of your current UWO unofficial transcript. Unofficial transcripts are downloadable from the Student Center.

  • Login to Student Center
  • Click View and Order Documents tile
  • Click View Unofficial Transcript on the left hand side
  • Click "Submit" on the right hand side to generate a new Unofficial Transcript

Ensure the pop-up windows are not blocked. Be Patient: the report may take a few minutes to generate.

Note: Practicum prerequisites include 2.0 3000-level studio courses, SA 2602A/B and SA 3602A/B (Studio Seminars I and II) or the former VAS 2282A/B and VAS 3382A/B (Honors Level Studio Seminars) , with a 70% average in all studio courses to date and no mark below 60%. Special permission to accommodate prerequisite shortfalls may be made in consideration of the strength of applicants’ portfolios.

A Written Statement (in Digital form) between 250 and 500 words containing the following:

- a representation of the interests and ideas/thematics informing your practice
- a brief discussion of artists or cultural models relevant to your artistic concerns
- a statement of what you see yourself doing in Practicum (media/specific projects)

Digital Documentation of your Studio work 

- a minimum of 3 different studio projects most representative of your current interests and direction. Works in all media are accepted in electronic form only (submitted via Slideroom)
- 12 images or four minutes selected from time based works (time based work can be substituted for still images on the basis of 3 images for 1 minute). Time-based works should be cued in advance for ready viewing.


More infomation

For further information, please contact our
Undergraduate Chair

Professor Sarah Bassnett 

Submit Your Portfolio

(opens March 1st )