
The printshop was designed to be versatile, and is equipped to handle numerous printing processes including: intaglio, relief, lithography, silk screening, and basic typesetting. Built with health and safety as a top priority, the printmaking area is equipped with a sophisticated ventilation system and modern equipment, including one fume hood, to ensure a safe work environment. For support and maintenance, the Department of Visual Arts staffs a part-time technician, who is complemented by an able team of student monitors.

The main shop features all of the basic equipment needed to execute a successful print, including: three intaglio presses, two lithography presses, a dedicated area for copper plate etching, an air brush station for aquatinting, a vacuum table for screen printing, t-shirt press, a large collection of litho stones, a hand iron press, and an impressive selection of lead type. 

A separate studio, also located on the main floor, is dedicated to screen printing and features a dedicated wet room, and a mercury exposure system for exposing photo screens. In addition to the traditional methods of print, the studio also features a dedicated Mac computer and access to large format printers for students interested in working with digital output.


Jessica Woodward
Printmaking Technician
VAC 106B
519-661-2111  ext. 84875



Open During Regular Building Hours

Monday - Friday . 8:00am - 10:00pm
Saturday & Sunday . noon - 6:00pm