Installing Artwork in the VAC
Walls and floor spaces throughout the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre can be signed-out by Undergraduate students for a one-week period (Sunday to Saturday) to display artwork. All students wishing to sign-out a wall or floor space must do so using the online reservation system.
Instructions for booking a room using the online reservation system (PDF)
Installation Guidelines
Any installation in the building must meet all of the following safety requirements:
- An installation CANNOT block or impede any fire exit or stairwell.
- An installation must not contain sharp protruding objects.
- You CANNOT install in the elevators.
- You MUST leave a 42” passage way in all hallways.
- You CANNOT remove or obscure fire extinguishers.
- You CANNOT cover or alter any of the exit lights.
- You CANNOT hang or support objects from the lighting fixtures, tracks or plumbing.*
- RE: Instalations requiring electricity: extension cords are not permitted; student must use power bars to comply with fire code. Daisy-chaining of power bars (ie. plugging one power bar in to another) is not permitted.
*Ladder safety training is required to use a ladder on campus. If you require ladder safety training, please contact Andrew Silk for the next availible training date.
Installation & Performance Request form
For installations and requests that may present hazards, cause disruptions, require alterations to a studio or the facilities, or require special installation (hanging, video projection, performance art), students are required to fill out the Installation & Performance request form and obtain approval from the Operations and Communications Manager, Cindi Talbot (office 241A).
Photo Release in the VAC
Permission re: Promotion
You grant permission for Western University to reproduce your name, information describing your artwork, representations of your work and any other information you have provided for the purpose of display, promotion and publicity either now or in the future.
By installing your artwork in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, you grant Western University an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free world-wide licence to photograph your artwork and use such photograph(s) for the promotion of your artwork and/or Western University including, without limitation, advertising, display, editorial, packaging, promotion, television, social media, the Department of Visual Arts website, flickr, Twitter, Instagram etc.. Students wishing not to have their work photographed should not exhibit in the Visual Arts Centre, ArtLAB Gallery or Cohen Commons. The area is open to the public, students, faculty, staff and other visitors who will not be prohibited from photographing your artwork while it is on exhibit in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre.
You otherwise retain all ownership in your artwork.
Artwork Installation Liability Release
You understand that the area where your artwork will be hanging or displayed is unsupervised and is in an area of the building that may be open to the public, day and evening, whether or not the building is open. Western University accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of, artwork at any time while on display or while being transported to or from the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre. By displaying your artwork in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, you accept all risk of loss or damage to your artwork. Western University does not provide insurance for the artwork on exhibition. If you wish to insure artwork, it is your responsibility to do so.
Western University reserves the right to dispose of artwork not picked up by April 15th of each year.
Installing artwork outside of the VAC
If you wish to install work on campus, outside of the JLVAC:
- You must obtain a faculty/staff sponsor.
- Prepare a written proposal with illustrations and/or drawings (if possible).
- Contact Facilities Management and establish individual responsibility for the area/architecture/plants/trees, etc. involved in the project.
- Inquire about the possibilities and restrictions.
- Make a presentation to the Facilities Management individual responsible for the particular area you require.