Graduate Programs
Program Assistant
Parveen Grewal
519-661-2111 x83440
Graduate Chair
Christof Migone
Current MFA Students

Tia Bates
Research Interests / Specializations: Light, cinema, painting, aura, haunt, collecting, storytelling

Natasha Beaudoin
Research Interests / Specializations: Oil painting, silkscreen, portraiture, technology, social media, and video games.

Eric Allan Cameron
Research Interests / Specializations: Sustainability and environmental concerns, memory, the history of painting
Biography: @eric__cameron

Sebastian Evans
Research Interests / Specializations: Printmaking, collage, sculpture; the logic of materials, plastic, environment.
VAC 230B

Jennifer Hamilton
VAC 302D

Moira Hayes
VAC 302A

Cassie Packham
VAC 302B

Danielle Petti
Research Interests / Specializations: sustainability and ecological concerns, human origins, consciousness, fundamental nature of reality, foraged pigments